Public Trainings - Respirable Crytalline Silica

Course Description –

In this Silica training course, you will learn about the basics of Silica and Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust encountered during construction and other activities. This course will identify the basic health hazards associated with exposure to silica and respirable crystalline silica dust, some of the common tasks that could result in exposure to respirable crystalline, and typical control measures employers may implement to protect workers from exposure to silica and respirable crystalline silica including engineering controls, work practices and respirators.

Additionally, you will learn about contents of the new OSHA regulation concerning silica and respirable crystalline silica and where to get a copy of the regulation, be able to recognize who and what a competent person is and the basic requirements surrounding OSHA’s new Respirable Crystalline Silica standard (e.g. exposure limits, housekeeping, written exposure control plan, medical monitoring, training and recordkeeping).


Who Should Attend?

This course is for employees or business owners or anyone who has a supervisor responsibility where Silica dust may be present in the course of their work.


CEUs –

Participants will receive a course completion certificate upon successfully completing the course.  Participants will earn .3 CEUs from the Florida Chamber Safety Council.




Types of Trainings:

Silhouette of men working