Join us May 10-12, 2021 as Safety, Health, and Sustainability leaders convene to share the latest data/research, industry benchmarks and best practices for the EHS industry. Take advantage of professional development opportunities and network with peers across industries who share a passion for safety, health, and sustainability as a competitive business advantage. Registration Now Open!
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Monday, May 10, 2021
7:00am-8:00am: Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00am–5:00pm: Professional Development Courses:
Accident and Incident Investigation*: The one-day Incident Investigation course focuses on techniques for gathering complete, accurate and objective incident data, establishing root causes, reporting findings and determining corrective action. Discussion, demonstrations and exercises cover investigation and interview techniques. Participants learn how to uncover the who, what, why, when and how of each incident, and how to analyze data to prevent injuries, property damage and financial losses.
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive a course completion certificate. Each student will also earn .65 CEU’s from the Florida Chamber Safety Council.
Ergonomics: Managing for Results*: Repetitive motion and overexertion are the biggest risk factors facing American workers today. This course will show you how to reduce the number and severity of musculoskeletal injuries in your workplace with a practical and effective ergonomics program. This one-day course, will help you take control of the #1 cause of workplace injuries and reduce cost, as well as improve employee morale. Participants will learn the strategies for creating a safety culture, how to gain employee involvement, how to measure program success, and how to use the program material in your business.
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive a course completion certificate. Each student will also earn .65 CEU’s from the Florida Chamber Safety Council.
Job Safety Analysis*: Workplace hazards are a major threat to many of today’s organizations. Job Safety Analysis is a proven process for controlling operating hazards and costs. The result of having a Job Safety Analysis process is better procedures that make the workplace safer. This means improved productivity and higher profits! This one-day course covers the process for hazard identification and control. Through lectures, demonstrations, and workshops, the participant will learn how to develop and manage a JSA program at their workplace. They will also learn how to enlist participation from line employees, supervisors, and upper management to help reduce personal injuries and build a hazard-free environment.
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will receive a course completion certificate. Each student will also earn .65 CEU’s from the Florida Chamber Safety Council.
*Additional Fees Apply; Includes a boxed lunch
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
6:30am-7:15am: Registration and Continental Breakfast
7:15am-7:25am: Conference Program Begins
7:25am-7:30am: Color Guard
7:30am-7:55am: Opening Remarks
7:55am-8:00am: Introduction of Keynote
8:00am-9:00am: Keynote: Building a Culture of Safety is Everyone’s Job: Lessons Learned from NASA’s Space Shuttle
Mike “Astro Mike” Massimino
As Florida’s best safety leaders know, to achieve better safety outcomes through a culture of safety, you need to build teams that are accountable, consistent, reliable and adaptable.
NASA Astronaut Mike Massimino’s first flight was on Space Shuttle Columbia STS-109. The very next time Columbia went to space with the crew of STS-107, it had a breach in its thermal protection system while re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere destroying the vehicle and killing everyone on board. Space shuttle missions are generally flown in order. STS-107 was assigned prior to and was originally scheduled to fly before STS-109. But launch delays forced NASA planners to switch the flight order. Mike’s crew got the slot previously given to STS-107, and STS-107 got the original STS-109 slot. Mike and his crew returned safely to Earth, the crew of STS-107 did not. Spaceflight is a dangerous business and this fateful flight claimed the lives of 7 of his friends. Mike found that much can be learned from investigating space flight accidents, not only the Columbia accident but also the Challenger Space Shuttle accident and the Apollo 1 fire. He shares lessons learned from tragic accidents and miscues and how to move forward. One of Mike’s biggest lessons he’ll share is that safety is everyone’s job, and everyone has a responsibility to speak up when an unsafe situation
9:00am-4:00pm: Exhibit Hall Open
9:00am-9:30am: Refreshment Break
9:30am-10:30am: Concurrent Breakouts (select one)
- Breakout 1: Safety Technology: Using Innovation and Data to Drive Continuous Improvement
Heather MacDougall, Vice President/WW Workplace Health and Safety/Amazon
To create a safe and healthy workplace, companies are looking for ways to use technology to manage risk and get better data, faster. The right information drives key safety decisions and inspires innovation that can lead to a safer working environment. - Breakout 2: Engaging Middle Management and Supervisors in Safety
Corey Hopkins, Senior Safety Consultant/ DEKRA Safety Management Systems
In this session we will discuss the critical role supervisors and middle managers play in the safety performance of any organization. Do you feel like your supervisor level employees need to be more engaged in the safety process? - Breakout 3: Safety Audits & Site Inspections – Effectively Conducting a Safety Audit
Edwin G. Foulke, Jr. Partner/Fisher & Phillips LLP And Steve Davis, Managing Partner, GRM, LLC
No major MBA program includes meaningful workplace safety and health instruction in their curriculum and yet safety-related issues can cause headaches for executives and damage company value. Look at the UAW’s effective use of safety complaints to give Tesla’s Freemont assembly plant a black eye with public and creditors. In some industries, a single OSHA serious citation or a company’s injury and illness rate can complicate bidding or throw a wrench into a prospective purchaser’s due diligence. Top management must be involved in safety compliance or as in any crucial business area, the right things won’t happen. Moreover, a savvy executive can attack the artificial separation between the safety function and production. Properly used safety can contribute to efficiency, quality, a union free culture, and sustainability/social awareness goals. - Breakout 4: Are Your Worker’s Safe? Working Together to Improve Safety and Health and Build a Better Work Environment
Kurt A. Petermeyer, CFEI, Regional Administrator/OSHA Region IV (Southeastern US)
The presentation will provide an overview of OSHA’s role and current strategic areas of enforcement, regional fatality statistics, fundamental elements to managing risk, OSHA’s cooperative and outreach programs, and resources to obtain assistance.
10:30am-10:40am: Room Change
10:40am-11:40am:Concurrent Breakouts (select one)
- Breakout 5: Panel Discussion-Leading a Unified Culture
CAPT (RET) USN Robert Roncska- “Navy Bob”, CAPT Nirav Patel and Darren SappThe father of the Nuclear Navy, Admiral Hyman Rickover, created a culture of ingenuity, safety, and reliability that boasts a record of zero accidents operating reactors at sea for over 60 years. Thankfully, a wide swath of industry leaders are learning the magic elixir to this repeatable model. This Q&A session will show how building trust, demanding high standards, and defining purpose create a game-changing culture. The panel will tackle questions such as: Can these principles work for my organization? How can I achieve that type of safety for those in my care? How do I maintain team buy-in during difficult times? How does the United States Naval Academy prepare leaders for 21st-Century Warfare? How does the U.S. Navy use, on average, 19-year-olds to safely and efficiently move, launch, and recover multi-million-dollar aircraft on a ship at sea? Are those scenes in The Hunt for Red October realistic? - Breakout 6: Preventing Workplace Violence: “That Wouldn’t Happen Here!”
Dr. Larry Barton, Ph.D.; Instructor, The FBI Academy and Distinguished Professor of Crisis Management and Public Safety, University of Central Florida
Workplace violence can occur 24/7 and impact any employer in every sector. Florida has seen teachers and students massacred at high schools, employees assaulted at manufacturing and distribution facilities, suicides at not-profits and guests of hotels and resorts murdered or sexually assaulted by employees or contractors. Our speaker has spent 31 years researching the causes of attacks and threats- 73% of the time, signals emerged in advance. These warning signs included changes in behavior, directly or indirectly communicating a threat to the employer, grievances regarding compensation and favoritism, bullying, personality differences and, most notably, untreated or unrecognized mental illness. The lasting effects of COVID add to anxiety and depressive disorders and workplace altercations over safety protocols. Knowing how to work with law enforcement agencies, threat assessors and HR partners are all essential. The speaker will discuss Florida’s sharp rise in intimate partner violence and how that impacts all employers as well as understanding the essentials before, during and after signals of pending harm emerge. - Breakout 7: You Can’t Bubble Wrap the World
Danny Smith, SMS, CIT, Senior Safety Consultant/SafeStart®
In industrial safety, the hierarchy of controls is very effective in reducing injuries. However, statistically the majority of worker injuries occur outside of the workplace – where industrial controls are not applicable. While we can’t bubble wrap the world, we can teach employees personal safety skills they can use 24/7. - Breakout 8:OSHA Top 10 Violations and Where to Find Them in the Marina
Robert Smith, Executive Director, Fisher Phillips Safety Solutions
This presentation reviews the most frequently cited OSHA violations and where they may be found in the marina or boatyard. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of OSHA standards and how those standards apply to the recreational marine sector. The presentation will also provide guidance to ensure compliance.
11:40am Lunch Service
Noon: Welcome
12:05pm-12:35pm: Keynote Presentation: CEO Perspective, Why Investing in Safety is Good for Business: Edwin G. Foulke, Jr and Eric Silagy, President and CEO, Florida Power & Light Company
12:35pm-12:40pm: Speaker Introduction
12:40pm-1:15pm: State of Florida Surgeon General Scott A. Rivkees, M.D. Presentation and Q&A
1:15pm-2:00pm: Door Prizes and Networking in the Exhibit Hall
2:00pm-3:00pm: Concurrent Breakouts (select one)
- Breakout 9: ISO 45001: How the Adoption of this International OH&S Standard Will Impact How to Manage Workplace Health & Safety
Edwin G. Foulke, Jr. Partner/Fisher & Phillips LLP And Steve Davis, Managing Partner, GRM, LLC
In March 2018, after a five-year process involving more than 70 countries, a new international Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) standard, ISO 45001, was published. The standard seeks to set a new benchmark in global OH&S and will result in companies significantly reducing their workplace injuries and illnesses while dramatically improving employee productivity and quality which will led to increased profitability. It provides a framework to significantly improve organizational safety and health performance through a risk management system, while increasing operational excellence and positively impacting a company’s sustainability and social responsibility programs. This interactive panel discussion will examine the benefits of becoming ISO 45001 – certified and provide a detailed overview on how to achieve this status. - Breakout 10: IF the Fish Aren’t Biting, It’s Time to Change Bait!
Danny Smith, SMS, CIT, Senior Safety Consultant/SafeStart®
Change seems constant in the business world today with acquisitions, mergers, consolidations, reorganizations, multi-generational issues, and cultural differences becoming prolific. As change becomes the norm, safety professionals must identify the constants but also adapt by updating management and training methodologies in order to remain relevant and effective.
- Breakout 11: Conversation Based Safety
Corey Hopkins/Senior Safety Consultant/ DEKRA Safety Management Systems
Taking your culture beyond a form and a behavioral audit that may be lacking meaningful interactions amongst team members. This session will display the science, research and results experienced from a BBS program focusing informal safety conversations with more genuine enforcement. We will display how an organization can shift from their current program with ease and show what results they expect by doing so. The power in the BBS observation is in the positive consequences of a conversation
3:00pm-3:15 pm: Refreshment Break
3:15pm-4:30pm: Concurrent Breakouts (select one)
- Breakout 12: Creating a Safe and Reliable Healthcare Culture
Dr. Allan Frankel, MD, Chief Executive Officer, Safe and Reliable Healthcare and Robert Roncska, AdventHealth Executive Director High Reliability
The United States nuclear Navy has never had a single accident. Their safety record is the envy of the world’s nuclear industry whether maritime or land-based where popular opinion fears nuclear power. Similarly, healthcare leaders have struggled for thirty years to build patient trust due to medical errors. Increased patient complexity and acuity paired with human fallibility makes for a toxic brew and industry leaders have searched for ways to overcome this challenge. How did the Navy achieve that kind of culture and how is Advent Health accomplishing the same? Through the harnessing of innovative technology and by championing the five pillars of high reliability: higher levels of understanding, integrity, formality, a questioning attitude, and back up. The healthcare industry can deliver safe and reliable healthcare by modeling these core tenets. There is a clear path forward to achieve safer and more reliable care and this holistic effort is being applied increasingly in institutions across the USA. The ideas and application are applicable broadly in many industries; they must be robustly executed with courageous impatience. - Breakout 13: Hang Up and Drive!
Jacy Good, Founder and Steve Johnson, President/Hang Up and Drive
In the Hang up and Drive program Jacy Good recounts her tragic and inspiring story along with her husband, Steve Johnson, who fills in the holes in the story Jacy can’t recall on her own. They incorporate powerful, easy to understand science and statistics about the distracted driving issue, a leading cause of auto crashes in the US, which in turn are the #1 cause of work-related deaths across all industries. Using personal photographs throughout, the presentation is designed to break up the stats, science, and “what you can do” material with their dramatic story, keeping the audience engaged from start to finish and maintaining the focus on the most valuable aspect Jacy and Steve can give their audiences – ensuring listeners walk away seeing crashes as people, not statistics. Since 2011 they have presented to over 1,100 audiences worldwide. - Breakout 14: Designing a Successful Worker’s Comp Program and Creating a Culture of Safety
Jody McClure, Director of Insurance & Risk Management/ABC Fine Wine & Spirits
This session will cover HUB Case Study: ABC Fine Wine 7 Spirts, Orlando FL; claims assessment, worker’s Comp claim handling best practices for reducing cost; pre-injury loss control, post-injury lost control, litigation management strategy, Is it a successful program? Measure it! - Breakout 15: Winning OSHA Inspections: Top Tips and Strategies for Employers
Mark Ligon, Vice President-Safety Management, Vecellio Management Services and Phillip B. Russell, Board Certified OSHA and Employment Lawyer Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart PC
View a comedic video of an OSHA inspection with your instructor leading an open discussion. Join CSHO Frank T. Studley and corporate safety director Karen Kapable during a “live” OSHA walk-around COVID-19 inspection of a manufacturing plant. Watch CSHO Studley push the limits and how Kapable responds. Can this “federal law enforcement officer” get away with expanding the scope of the inspection and get what he needs to write a citation? See how Kapable tries to assert employer rights and keep Studley from taking advantage of the business. Veteran OSHA lawyer, Phillip Russell, will lead this interactive session designed for safety executives, in-house lawyers, and anyone with workplace safety and health responsibilities.
4:30pm-6:00pm: Welcome Reception
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
6:30am-7:15am: Continental Breakfast
7:15am-7:35am: Conference Program Begins
7:35am-7:40am: Opening Remarks
7:40am-7:55am: Introduction of Speaker
8:00am-9:00am: Keynote: Moving Forward (finally). Lessons learned from something you can only see with a microscope… Dr. Ed. Racht, MD, Chief Medical Officer, GMR Medicine
“It’s been a long time since everyone on the planet has been simultaneously faced with such adversity. COVID19 has been a devastating health challenge as well as a formidable cultural, economic and business disruptor. As we start to see brighter and brighter lights at the end of this scary tunnel, it’s important to focus on what we’ve learned and how to build our future in an optimistic, thoughtful and productive way. Medicine is a great teacher. This was a tough lesson”.
9:00am-9:30am: Refreshment Break
9:30am-1:30pm: Exhibit Hall Open
9:30am-10:30am: Concurrent Breakouts (select one)
- Breakout 16: Non-Permit Versus Permit Required Confined Spaces and Their Requirements. Are You Compliant?
Brian Sebastian, President/Safety Distribution Services, LLC
The presentation will discuss everything from how to comply to the OSHA 1910.146 to a rescue plan. How do you map out your confined space in case a rescue plan is needed? Proper methods of determining if the space is ready to entry or a no-go status.
- Breakout 17: Developing Safety Managers Into Corporate Leaders
Edwin G. Foulke, Jr. Partner/Fisher & Phillips LLP And Steve Davis,
The program will examine how to effectively communicate to the C Suite to not only get C Suite recognition of Safety’s contribution to the company’s bottom line but also to engage front-line employees in dramatically improving the company’s safety program. - Breakout 18: A Tiered approach to Ergonomics Assessments: Quick Assessments to Expert Opinion
Chris Nehrbass, MSMSE, Engineering Manager/ ErgoFactor and Melissa Samuels, OTR and Vice President of Global Business Development/ ErgoFactor
This presentation highlights the varying needs of companies in growing an ergonomic program. It highlights the benefit of transitioning from less sophisticated tools that help establish the possible presence of ergonomic risk to expert analyses that are needed to justify capital expenditures or opinions that advance injury management decisions - Breakout 19: Do You Walk by Safety Issues? If Yes, Why?
Jim Lehrke, Owner/CEO and Founder, Safety Connections, Inc.
This training program the attendees will learn how Safety Connections, Inc. guarantees results in safety. We examine the core attributes of world-class safety cultures to help you take a fresh approach toward establishing a safety program that gets results. - Breakout 20: ZERO: Myth, Miracle, or Mission?
Dan Regouby, M.A., Safety Specialist/Risk Management/ City of Orlando
Can an organization go an extended period of time with without ANY injury? Dive headlong into an interactive experience that will identify the various beliefs that motivate the answers to this question. Dan will facilitate the open discussion and offer a perspective that might challenge how you see and measure ZERO!
10:30am-10:40am: Room Change
10:40am–11:40am: Concurrent Breakouts (select one)
- Breakout 21: How Important is Accountability in Safety?
Jim Lehrke, Owner/CEO and Founder, Safety Connections, Inc.
Accountability today is one of the biggest issues with safety today. Attendees will learn the importance of accountability and the affects that it has on a business. Further, we will hear real life issues that include employers not disciplining due concern of losing employees vs. the consequences of not disciplining fair and consistently. Attendees will learn this is one of the absolute biggest issues today in business. - Breakout 22: Orlando Pulse Nightclub Shooting overview
Federal Bureau of Investigation Assistant Special Agent in Charge Ron Hopper
On June 12, 2016, a single gunman killed 49 people and wounded 53 more in a mass shooting inside Pulse nightclub in Orlando. It was the deadliest mass shooting by a single gunman in U.S. history until the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. This presentation will cover a variety of related topics, to include: Law enforcement response, evolution of the incident (from active shooter, barricaded subject, hostage negotiation, and hostage rescue), resources involved, and shooter’s activities/radicalization prior to the attack. - Breakout 23: Is it Terminal?
Dan Regouby, M.A., Safety Specialist/Risk Management/ City of Orlando
Does your safety committee have “dis-ease”? Is there frustration with what’s going on or NOT going on? Using a painfully honest… yet graceful approach, Dan offers his interactive perspective on what a “healthy” safety committee looks like and what must happen to inspire and motivate measurable value. Please make yourself comfortable… and Dan will be with you shortly to discuss whether your safety committee needs regular check-ups or open-heart surgery! - Breakout 24: Personal Protective Equipment – How to Make the Training Interesting and Fun
Todd Spencer, CHMM |EHS Specialist/A·C·T Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc.
Strap on your hard hats, lace up your boots. From the instructor who has provided training for rocket companies, utilities, non-profits and everything in between; Todd Spencer brings you “Personal Protective Equipment: How to Make the Training Interesting”. This presentation focuses on how to keep employees engaged on one of the most important training topics: PPE. Discussion on how the mixture of humor, demonstrations, and training gamification can make safety relatable and easy to learn. Many examples of PPE will be displayed and discussed.
11:40pm-Noon: Lunch Service
12:00pm-12:30pm: Jimmy Patronis, Florida Chief Financial Officer
Florida has the 5th worst legal climate in the country, and despite SB 72 becoming law, the billboard trial lawyers are still looking to sue your business. Florida businesses need to make sure they continue taking the proper steps to protect their customers, vendors and employees from COVID-19. What are these steps? What specifically does SB 72 protections include? All this and more will be answered by Florida CFO Jimmy Patronis live in person at one of the safest places in the country to get it right when it comes to protecting their customers from COVID-19: Walt Disney World. Register TODAY to join Florida’s business leaders at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort so your business does not miss out on this exclusive information that is vital to operating your business as Florida remains open for business.
12:35pm-1:30pm: Luncheon Keynote Presentation: Research Reveal: How Florida Fairs at Safety, Health + Sustainability in the U.S.
Ted Abernathy, Managing Partner, Economic Leadership
1:30pm: Exhibit Hall Closes
1:30pm–3:00pm: Concurrent Breakouts (select one)
- Breakout 25: ABC’s of Fall Protection and R u talking Rescue
Brian Sebastian, President/Safety Distribution Services, LLC
The will be a great session for newcomers to the safety industry as well as those that are needing a refresher. The presentation will discuss are there viable ways to engineer out falls from happening at the workplace? What are some of the ways? Samples of these devices will be on hand along with images of real-world applications. Session will also cover what is an anchor point for both fall restraint and fall arrest. What is the difference between fall restraint and fall arrest? What are the requirements when it comes to rating of the anchor point? There are many options out there for anchor points, we will use this presentation to discuss those different anchor points and provide application images and more.
- Breakout 26: DUI Presentation; Value Life
Renee Napier and Eric Smallridge
On May 11, 2002, a drunk driver killed Renée (Napier) Lord’s daughter, Meagan, and Meagan’s friend, Lisa. The driver, Eric Smallridge, was sentenced to 22 years in prison. In the midst of grieving the loss of her daughter, Renée came to forgive Eric, led a successful campaign to have his sentence changed to 11 years and, in turn, Eric decided to make something positive out of his tragic mistake. In 2004, Renée began her journey giving DUI presentations at a multitude of venues, including high schools, colleges, military bases, churches, prisons and the NFL. In April 2010, Eric was granted permission to join Renée in her speaking campaign. While still an inmate bound by shackles, Eric captured the audience by boldly recounting the crash and his life in prison.
- Breakout 27: Developing an Effective Safety and Health Management System
Tracy L. Moon, Jr. Partner/ Atlanta/Fisher Phillips and Jim Howry, Director of Safety /EHS Wireless/Ansco & Associates LLC
This program will provide participants with a roadmap for developing an effective safety and health management system, including how to audit your existing safety program and determine those actions that will produce measurable benefits. - Breakout 28: Managing Safety Risk Takers: Legal Disciplinary Strategies for Workers Who Disregard Safety Obligations
Edwin G. Foulke, Jr. Partner/Fisher & Phillips LLP And Steve Davis,
This program will provide participants with a roadmap for developing and “institutionalizing” an effective enforcement strategy, including infraction discipline that could be the missing ingredient to your existing program. - Breakout 29: Disaster Preparedness to Promote Business Resilience
Joseph Myers, Management Consultant/Principal, DSI and Marcia Warfel, Management Consultant/Principal, DSI
This workshop will help businesses, by giving them tools and tips to prepare for the unforeseen circumstances. Disaster preparedness helps your business reduce the impact of the unexpected and ensure less interruption to service deliver.
Agenda Subject to Change
Registration Information