2022 Breakouts
Breakout and Education Sessions
*Topics/Speakers Subject to Change
First Session — Thursday, March 31st, 10:30 AM – 11:20 AM
Breakout 1: Leading a Life of Safety: Culture Starts at the Top | Edwin G. Foulke, Jr. Attorney at Law/Fisher & Phillips LLP
It is undeniable that workplace safety is a crucial component for a business to function and to be profitable and competitive. However, 54% of respondents to an EHS survey primarily view it as “someone else’s job.” This climate of unclear accountability is part of the reason millions of workplace incidents occur every year, resulting in unnecessary deaths and injuries as well as millions in losses affecting the bottom line. With a demand for increased transparency from the market and significant higher penalties from regulating bodies, it is not enough to assume employees, vendors, suppliers, or contractors will adhere to your expected safety outcomes. Safety is built through strong culture, which is created through strong leadership.
This program will highlight notable findings from a survey of more than 550 safety and health professionals.
You will learn from the program:
• The current trends in safety and health and cutting-edge programs to enhance your safety and health program
• The top five ways employees participate in safety programs
• The difference between a proactive safety culture and a reactive safety culture
• Qualities of an effective safety leader
• How to effectively communicate with the C Suite
Breakout 2: The Future of Work: Protecting Your Biggest Asset — Your People | Jody McClure, Senior Director Risk Management & Insurance, ABC Fine Wine & Spirits
What is the future of business going to look like? How do we incorporate the Gig economy? How are we handling the labor shortage?
We are all safety, health and sustainability professionals. Do we take the time to think about the people that are running the day to day in our departments and companies? It is the people that drive the business and many times are our competitive advantage. If people are driving the business, shouldn’t we look at them as our biggest asset? How do we protect and invest in our biggest asset? How do we align that asset with our mission?
Breakout 3: The Road to Net Zero: Strategies Towards Achieving Sustainability | Russell Peacock, Senior Director, Facility Operations and Property Management, and John Trevathan, Chief Procurement Office and Vice President Corporate Services, Guidewell
This session will share proven techniques and tools that help organizations reduce their emissions. Champion climate endeavors and ambition on the road to net zero by recognizing opportunities, taking action, benchmarking and building strategic partnerships with national and international entities.
Breakout 4: An “Un-Seen” View of Safety: Identifying and Navigating Psychosocial Hazards | I. David Daniels, Ph.D., CSD, VPS, President/CEO, ID2 Solutions, LLC
Since the inception of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, physical injuries in the United States have declined precipitously. However, limited attention has been paid to, or action has been taken to identify and mitigate psychosocial hazards in the workplace. While these hazards may be somewhat invisible to the eye, the associated risks are not only visible but can be the catalyst to other more visible hazards. Safety management systems need to focus not only on easily seen hazards but also on hazards that people can feel. Attendees will leave the session knowing more about the definition and examples of psychosocial hazards and some of the steps that workers, leaders, and safety professionals should take to help address these hazards.
Second Session — Thursday, March 31st, 11:30 AM – 12:20 PM
Breakout 5: Overcoming Overdose: Why are so Many People Dying? | Andrae Bailey, Founder & CEO, Project Opioid
The opioid crisis is America’s silent epidemic and it’s affecting public health, the health and safety of your workforce and your bottom line. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, nearly 50,000 people in the United States died from opioid-involved overdoses in 2019. From prescription pain medicine to fentanyl, synthetic opioids and heroin, the misuse of and addiction to opioids is causing devastating results in our country. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates the total “economic burden” of prescription opioid misuse is $78.5 billion a year from healthcare costs to lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice needs. Learn more about the Opioid crisis, ways to identify this issue in the workforce and strategies to put an end to the epidemic.
Breakout 6: Passing the Ultimate Test: OSHA Inspections | Mark Ligon, Vice President Safety Management, Vecellio Management and Phillip B. Russell, Board Certified OSHA and Employment Lawyer, Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
View a comedic video of an OSHA inspection with your instructor leading an open discussion. Join CSHO Frank T. Studley and corporate safety director Karen Kapable during a “live” OSHA walk-around COVID-19 inspection of a manufacturing plant. Watch CSHO Studley push the limits and how Kapable responds. Can this “federal law enforcement officer” get away with expanding the scope of the inspection and get what he needs to write a citation? See how Kapable tries to assert employer rights and keep Studley from taking advantage of the business. Veteran OSHA lawyer, Phillip Russell, will lead this interactive session designed for safety executives, in-house lawyers, and anyone with workplace safety and health responsibilities.
Breakout 7: Are Your Workers Safe? Working Together to Improve Safety and Health and Build a Better Work Environment | Billie Kizer, Deputy Regional Administrator, OSHA Region IV
The presentation will provide an update on areas of strategic interest for the Agency, enforcement targeting, regional inspection and fatality statistics, OSHA’s cooperative and outreach programs, and resources to obtain assistance.
Breakout 8: Why Don’t We See the Things That Can Hurt Us? | Doug Pontsler, Chair and Managing Director, COVE: Center of Visual Expertise
Surveys of COVE workshop participants indicate that most incidents that occur in organizations are not major unpredictable events. Most are the result of hazards that exist that are right in front of us, but we don’t see them. They become part of the noise and part of the background. They become the story of “I’ve walked by that a thousand times and I didn’t see it until the incident occurred.” Why is this and what can we do about it? This session examines why we don’t see things that are right in front of us and hide in the background. Grounded in lessons learned from art education, tools exist that allow us to see more completely by improving how we look at the environment and the tasks we must complete. Improving our visual literacy skills improves our ability to work safely and more effectively.
Highly interactive, participants in this session will:
• Understand what visual literacy is and why it matters to each of us
• Understand how visual literacy matters to our safety processes
• Understand how simple tools and techniques can be utilized to improve our ability to see the things that can hurt us
• Understand how the brain controls what we see and why
Improving our personal safety requires proactive identification and mitigation of the hazards around us. We can’t improve what we can’t see and visual literacy is key to our success
Third Session — Thursday, March 31st, 3:30 PM – 4:20 PM
Breakout 9: A Military Perspective — The Holy Grail of Creating a Safety Culture in Any Organization: Trust, Standards, and Purpose | CAPT (RET) USN Robert Roncska (a.k.a. Navy Bob) and Darren Sapp
The father of the Nuclear Navy, Admiral Hyman Rickover, created a culture of ingenuity, safety, and reliability that boasts a record of zero accidents operating nuclear reactors at sea for over 60 years. Robert Roncska has been on a mission to find that Holy Grail of what makes a legacy culture—the kind that changes lives for the better. He’s convinced it’s accomplished through trust, standards, and purpose. After a short presentation, Roncska and Sapp will answer your questions such as: Can these principles work for my organization? How do I set metrics and expectations for my team? How can I achieve that type of safety for those in my care? How do I maintain team buy-in during difficult times? How does the daunting responsibility of operating a nuclear sub, carrying nuclear codes for the president, or navigating the dangers of an aircraft carrier flight deck translate to healthcare or other fields of business? Robert Roncska served as a squadron commodore, overseeing 20% of our nation’s nuclear fast-attack submarines. He also commanded the USS Texas, certifying the first Virginia-class submarine for Arctic operations and conducted numerous missions vital to national security. He carried the nuclear “football” for President George W. Bush and is currently the Executive Director of Patient Safety at AdventHealth. Darren Sapp served as an aircraft carrier flight deck director “yellow shirt,” has written nine books, and has led healthcare organizations for almost twenty years.
Breakout 10: At the Crossroads: Where Health Safety and Criminal Law Meet | Collin Warren and Todd Logsdon, Partners, Fisher Phillips
The Biden Administration has announced that the Department of Labor, including OSHA, will work closely with the Justice Department for being criminal prosecution. In addition, more aggressive state District Attorneys or state Attorneys General are bringing even more criminal prosecutions. At the same time, the EPA is securing evidence from the OSHA inspection to bring criminal environmental lawsuits. This program will cover the intersection of workplace safety and criminal law. The discussion will specifically address what issues have historically arisen after a catastrophe that implicates potential criminal liability.
Learning Objectives:
• How to understand your legal rights during OSHA inspections
• How to understand the scope of criminal and civil liability for violations of safety and health standards
• How to secure legal privilege to accident investigations
• How to protect your company and its officials from potential liability
• How to ensure the company’s safety policies are in place to protect against potential liability.
• How to minimize and manage potential liability
• Practical steps to take prior to, during and after the incident
• Role of legal counsel
• What liability is covered under federal and state laws
Breakout 11: Safety, Top Floor to Shop Floor: Bringing Leadership, Social Behavior, Regulatory and Systems Integration into Safety | Anna Fullen, COSM, Environmental Health & Safety Manager, Nautique Boat Company and Greg Meloon, President, Nautique Boat Company
Have you ever considered what makes a successful safety program? Much effort is spent on good safety policies and procedures, but what role can culture play in achieving the results that OSHA and your company expect? During this seminar we will explore the importance of collaboration between Executive Leadership and the Shop Floor Team, to create a Culture of Safety! The President of Nautique Boat Company will discuss the company’s 95 year journey and the impact that Safety has had on its team. Nautique Safety Manager will then guide you through the processes, tools, and techniques that have made the boating company culture world class in the boating industry.
Breakout 12: Deterring Disruption: Driving Competitiveness through Fleet Safety and Compliance | Andrew E. Leavitt, Legal Services, Director of Safety, Ryder System, Inc.
A company’s fleet safety and compliance program has never been more important. Join Andrew Leavitt, Director of Safety for Ryder System Inc. for a discussion on the current safety and regulatory environment that motor carriers face on the road. New law enforcement tactics and tools, motor carrier liability exposure, available technology, new and changing regulations, and more will be discussed. This session will provide important context around the government systems that drive law enforcement intervention and enforcement efforts while supplying the best practices you need to avoid business disruption. Please join us for a conversation that will introduce resources you can deploy in your company so you can execute a robust safety and compliance program.
Fourth Session — Thursday, March 31st, 4:30 PM – 5:20 PM
Breakout 13: Research Reveal: How Florida Fairs at Safety, Health + Sustainability in the U.S. | Ted Abernathy, Managing Partner, Economic Leadership
New data will show how Florida is doing compared to other states and to the information released in the Florida Safety, Health and Sustainability Report in early 2021. The data highlights areas of concern and of opportunity and becomes the foundation for action. Be the first to hear where we stand.
Breakout 14: Drone Technology in Risk Reduction Making Businesses Safer | Antonia Lucky, Safety, Health & Environmental Manager, Nutrien
Drones are becoming a key safety technology for mitigating the risks associated with security intelligence, security surveillance, emergency response, entry into confined spaces, various types of inspections, and many other key workplace tasks. This presentation will give an insight into (4) different types of drone technology successfully deployed and used in the workplace, it will share best practices with the audience on the SIF Elimination aspects when these drones have been deployed, and more so, the lessons learned and case studies regarding the use of these (4) types of drones in the workplace to prevent serious injuries and fatalities.
Breakout 15: Human Performance — How Error is Not Preventable | John White, Cox Automotive, Inc.
Covering the aspects of employee ownership in a safety program and developing safety defenses with employee feedback involvement rather than a top-down approach to risk mitigation. Deep dive into human performance and how error is not preventable. Building systems around protection of the workforce.
Breakout 16: Cyber Security Risk: Understanding the Pieces on the Board | Matthew Hall, CISSP, CHFI, Security+, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, University of Central Florida
Cyber security stands front and center in today’s enterprise risk management (ERM) conversations. Framing cyber security as a component of strategy and risk management in an understandable way is vital to good governance and operational readiness. This session examines several real, contemporary examples of the types of cyber-risk you face, puts these in the context that a board of directors, senior leadership, or senior policymakers can understand, and provides:
• Insights into how you can frame risks to inform strategy.
• Expense impacts.
• Board of directors oversight.
Fifth Session — Friday, April 1st, 10:30 AM – 11:20 AM
Breakout 17: Become a Safety-Centric Business: A Three Step Process for Safety, Health and Innovation | Heather MacDougall, VP Workplace Health & Safety, Amazon
3 Learning Outcomes:
• Understand how to make safety a cornerstone of successful business operations
• How small- to mid-sized companies can innovate to engage employees in creating a safety mindset
• How safety and health programs must go beyond mere physical safety programs to include employee wellness and mental wellbeing
Becoming a safety-centric organization requires buy-in from leadership and engagement from every employee. A top-down, bottom-up approach helps weave safety into every process and mechanism across operations, which increases employee morale and helps keep employees both physically and mentally safe and healthy. Amazon has developed unique and innovative ways to engage employees in safety, gauge their safety sentiment and uncover issues in real-time to mitigate risk and increase employee satisfaction. These programs and procedures can be replicated at any company, large or small, and scaled to meet individual employers’ needs.
Breakout 18: How These Frequently Used Safety Terms Lead to Risk Conditioning: Hazard, Accident, Common Sense | David G. Madaras, CSP, CHST, President, Chesapeake Region Safety Council
Risk Conditioning is a discussion covering the review of common safety terms such as risk, hazard, accident, safety and common sense. The discussion explains how we are conditioned to accept risk because of the disproportionate ratio of hazards to accidents. It summarizes how risk conditioned common sense can become a flawed sense. The presentation is reinforced with real life experience and delivered with humor and enthusiasm.
Breakout 19: The Underground Dangers of Gas Line Accidents and How They Affect Us All | Luke A. Buzard, CPA, CIA, Vice President, Pipeline Safety & Regulatory Affairs, Peoples Gas System
We face over 1,500 underground gas line damages a year at PGS, these incidents pose a risk to our team members, the contractor doing the work and the general public. A damage to a gas line may impact your ability to use your home gas service, eating at a restaurant or enjoying other hospitalities in Florida.
Breakout 20: Movement Health for the Workforce | Kevin Rindal, CEO & Co-Founder, Vimocity
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1 in 5 on-the-job injuries involve the lower back. On average a lower back injury will take an employee out of work for 14 days, which profoundly impacts productivity and carries an expensive price tag along with it. Additionally, these injuries can have a detrimental effect on the worker’s quality of life and long-term health.
This lecture will cover innovative strategies for preventing lower back injuries before they occur, while at the same time building a more resilient workforce. Attendees will also learn very practical concepts for how they and their employees can play an active role in maintaining and optimizing their “Movement Health.”
Sixth Session — Friday, April 1st, 11:30 AM – 12:20 PM
Breakout 21: Be Prepared: Potential Active Shooter and Other Workplace Threats | Ron Hopper, Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Ron Hopper is the Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) for the Federal Bureau of Investigation – Tampa Division known for investigating the Pulse Orlando Shooting (2016). In 2020, the FBI designated 40 shootings as active shooter incidents, three of which occurred in Florida. Ron’s presentation will cover a variety of related topics, including profiling an active shooter, how to respond and how businesses can prepare their employees for an active shooter incident.
Breakout 22: Florida Department of Transportation — Are You Prepared to Pass an Audit? Potential Fines and What That Could Cost Your Business | Bobby J. Glass Jr., CSMP, CA, Director-Safety, Health, DOT & Environmental, Centerline, Inc.
- The audit selection process – Why would your company be selected and how will the Audit be conducted? In-person or Remote? Potential fines and what it could mean for your company!
- What’s your time limit to provide ALL documentation to the Auditor?
- Areas of Expectation (RECORDKEEPING IS KEY)
- Employment application process and expectations
- Due diligence
- Driver Qualification (DQ) File specifics – will discuss and make available list of items required to be in file
- Random Drug Testing
- Clearinghouse – Company requirements and Driver responsibility – if the driver refuses he cannot be hired and cannot drive for anyone
- registration
- queries required annually (at company or driver cost)
- What role does maintenance play
- FDOT roadside inspections – what does the driver and company do afterwards; do you have the FDOT required documents?
- FDOT SAFER Report – points added here from FDOT roadside inspection WILL prompt a FDOT Audit!!!!
- Maintenance file(s) – discuss specifics of documentation for mechanic training requirements and documented truck maintenance records
- FDOT expectations of records
- Annual truck and trailer inspections
- What role does the CDL licensed driver play
- Responsibilities and paperwork/specific process e.g. truck inspections, clearinghouse, roadside inspections
- Are you operating with Electronic logging or are you Exempt? If exempt, can you prove it?
- What written plan(s) are you required to provide FDOT? Do you know?
Breakout 23: Waking the Dead: How New Resuscitation Centers are Saving Thousands from Sudden Cardiac Arrest | Jeffrey Kuhlman, MD, MPH, Chief Quality & Safety Officer, AdventHealth
Each day in Florida one hundred individuals “drop dead”, experiencing sudden cardiac death. Public-private partnerships of emergency medical services, with highly-trained, highly-equipped first responders providing new evidence-based “optimal bundle of care”, and newly designated resuscitation centers (primary and comprehensive) with immediate access to cardiac catherization labs and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation life-support systems can lead to a six-fold increase in neurologically intact survival saving thousands of lives and millions of dollars.
Breakout 24: Achieving Operational Excellence Through Safety, Health + Sustainability | Wayne Punch, President & CEO, WPUNCH LLC
- Companies understanding the Operational Definition of Management & Employee being Involved and participating in the companies “Core Values”.
- Companies understanding the following questions?
- Where are they in their journey in all aspects of doing business?
- Where are they going?
- How will they get there?
- In reference to Safety & Health are the following questions addressed for management and production.
- How are the involved and participating? Are they metrics?
- How are they empowered?
- Who drives the processes once empowered?
- The recipe includes the following.
- Definition
- Methodology
- Key Measures/Metrics
- Process Assessment (Is there a Process & System in Place?)
- Audits/Observations and Diagnosis
- Correspondence (Reference and Resources)
Ultimately. Provide the Opportunity-Prepare People to be Successful-Measure, Track and Provide Feedback-Reinforce the Behavior.
Leadership’s responsibility is to Educate (Give the tools), Allow Employees to Be Involved/Participate and be Part of the Process.