Dr. Joshua Chard
Altec® Industries
Dr. Joshua Chard is Director of Product and Corporate Safety for Altec® Industries, the leading manufacturer of aerial devices and digger derricks for the telecommunications, utility, and tree care industries.
Dr. Chard serves as the Chair of ASC A92 Main Committee, and also the Chair of A92.2 Vehicle Mounted elevating and rotating work platforms Sub-Committee. He also serves on the ISO Technical Committee 214, Work Group 01, Mobile Elevating Work Platforms. As a member of TC 214 WG 01, Dr. Chard served as Project Editor for ISO/WD 16653-2 MEWPS – Special Features – Design, calculations, safety requirements and test methods – Part 2: MEWPS Insulating. He currently serves as the ISO Liaison to TC 78 WG12 IEC 61057 LIVE WORKING – INSULATING AERIAL DEVICES FOR MOUNTING ON A CHASSIS.
Dr. Chard received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Texas A&M University. His Major specialty area was Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics, with Minors in Manufacturing and Engineering Management. Dr. Chard also completed his Masters of Science in Industrial Engineering at Texas A&M University. He received his B.S. from St. Lawrence University.